How to play Alien worlds : A great blockchain game!

How to play Alien worlds : A great blockchain game!
Alien worlds

Alien Worlds Metaverse game overview

Alien Worlds puts you in a sci-fi world where you are exploring and even creating your own settlements. You can also acquire lands to create outposts. There’s complete control over how you play, the experience you have is constantly changing since there are so many things to do and locations to explore.

Playing Alien Worlds Metaverse

Alien Worlds game uses the WAX blockchain and the game was released in December 2020. 
The game continues to receive regular updates, and it’s one of the few titles where everything is tokenized.
In addition, you have a massive number of places to visit and the world is inherently massive, with a plethora of engaging mechanics for you to follow and explore.

alien world

If you want, you can also create your own items and locations within the world.
The NFT creation process is something that the Alien Worlds crypto game has wanted to implement early on.
It has gotten better every since, and the title continues to shine in ways that might be very hard to explain. The Alien Worlds crypto experience is not fast paced, but you get to explore a massive world filled with incredible opportunities. They also provide multiple guides on how to get started, how to acquire blueprints and other items.

Alien Worlds Rarity cards

Here is a picture representing the rarity of Alien worlds cards and tool NFT card explaination. 

They are sorted from Abundant, common, rare, epic, legendary and mythical.

alien world metaverse

Alien Worlds token

The Alien Worlds crypto game has a token called TLM and its price is $0.012 on average. The market cap is $46,769,467 and the max supply is 10,000,000,000 TLM. Out of that, there’s only 3,645,727,598 TLM in the circulating supply. Generally, Alien Worlds sees an upward pattern, even if it does have its own downsides at times. But you will notice that the token continues to grow, and it pushes the boundaries when it comes to quality and value.

Optimize TLM Earnings: Tools and Terrain

For miners in the TLM ecosystem, strategic choices hold the key to boosting TLM earnings. Elevated earnings can be unlocked through enhanced tools and astute land selection, each influencing your mining journey.

Remarkably, the NFT aspect of tools currently holds no sway over mining outcomes, rendering it inconsequential for now. Devote your attention elsewhere.

Delving into the realm of land selection unveils a golden opportunity. Seek lands that offer lucrative side bonuses, a pathway to heightened rewards. Many landowners extend a generous gesture, dishing out exclusive NFTs and specialized incentives for miners treading upon their grounds.

Stay attuned to the Land Promotion chat on the official Discord server and the dedicated Community Page. Here, you unearth exceptional prospects, with landowners unveiling tantalizing offerings to enrich your mining experience.

Steering focus towards staking, comprehend the dynamics of each Mission's transactional intricacies. While Missions unfold within the Binance Smart Chain, renowned for cost-effectiveness, two transactions are requisite for each Mission. Factor this expense into your strategic calculus while cherry-picking Missions.

Optimal wisdom beckons you to consolidate a substantial TLM stake within a single mission, surpassing a fragmentary distribution across multiple quests. Unveiling a treasure trove of rewards, longer Missions manifest as your conduit to coveted rarities. Legendary NFTs, the crowning glory, exclusively grace the landscape of 12-week Missions.

In the enthralling saga of TLM, strategic acumen takes center stage, steering miners toward the zenith of earnings and a realm brimming with untold opportunities.

alien world cards

If you are passionate about sci-fi worlds, the idea of owning a piece of an alien metaverse or just want to find people just as passionate about space exploration, you are in the right place. It’s one of the few games out there that constantly delivers a new way to play. Plus, you get to own a piece of a massive metaverse where everything is possible. The game is exceptional, and it doesn’t limit your experience, while also being fully play to earn.

Official Alien worlds website: